As a registered psychologist living in a regional area of Australia, I made the decision to work even further into the rural area to support communities where I saw a need for value adding in terms of psychological services. Being a pretty keen gardener with an awful lot of pot plants, and loving a flair of colour I thought of the Anthurium.

Anthuriums are generally considered to represent hospitality and are also known for how long lasting their blooms are. There is the element of the anthos being flower and the aura meaning tail. I guess all in all it made sense to me in terms of my desire to help people live, grow and thrive, however that may present for an individual in their life at a point in time.
So, Psychthurium was established with a combination of psychology and plants, basically my two biggest passions in life, with a need and an opportunity to be able to help more people. I’m looking forward to continuing the great work that I do with my plants, getting them to thrive and helping individuals to grow and thrive. This will mean different things for every individual in their work, family, and personal lives. I look forward to utilsing my skills and passion through various methodologies and supports that psychology can provide. All in all, Psychthurium was developed out of my passion to help others (and plants) grow and thrive
Peace, psychology and plants of abundance to you all.