Using psychological therapies to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Supporting your mental health, wherever you are

Enhance your wellbeing and thrive!

At Psychthurium, we help you find your unique version of thriving and wellbeing. We meet you where you are, then utilise therapies and supports to help you bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be.

In-person and telehealth appointments available

Based in Maryborough, we provide supportive counselling and psychological treatment for people residing locally, and regionally across Australia via telehealth.

Support for local and regional Australian communities

We are passionate about making high-quality mental health support accessible to everyone, particularly people in regional and remote areas.

Our Services in Maryborough, the Fraser Coast and beyond

Let Psychthurium Help You

If you are looking for a professional, friendly and accessible psychological service you can trust to understand the unique needs of people living in regional and remote areas, please contact us.

We can help you with:

Emotional challenges

Relationship issues

Behavioural challenges
